Stezka bylinkářství

Touto stezkou chceme poukázat na to, že ne vždy se musí u problémů sáhnout po drahých lécích, ale že v mnoha případech postačí bylinky, které můžou při správném užití zmírnit či úplně vyléčit spoustu nemocí, zánětů, vnitřních problémů a neduhů. Říká se přece, že na každou chorobu roste bylinka. Mohli bychom se našich babiček ptát na to, jakou moc můžou léčivé byliny mít. Proto doufáme, že tato stezka nebude jen výčet nazpaměť naučených informací, ale odneseš si zní alespoň kladný vztah k bylinkám, získáš nové poznatky a zanechá Ti to něco, co budeš moci předávat dál, a tím pomoci sobě nebo někomu blízkému.

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SAS – Příručka jak přežít

SAS - Příručka jak přežítTato publikace obsahuje rady z oblastí: strategie, tábornictví, výkladu map, první pomoci, předpovědi počasí, přežití na moři či při pochodu v horách a džungli. Dozvíte se nejdůležitější informace o správné výstroji, podnebných pásmech, jedlých rostlinách, zvířatech, která lze ulovit, rozdělání ohně a přípravě jídel, nebezpečných rybách, ale i o signálech a kódech či pátracích postupech. S touto knihou prostě přežijete!!!

tinktura z listu šalvěje (Salvia officinalis) / sage leaf tincture

  • působí silně antibioticky na široké spektrum mikrobů při léčbě močových cest, bolestí v krku a angín, zažívacího ústrojí i gynekologických zánětů
  • pomáhá před menstruací i během ní
  • vyrovnává hladinu hormonů
  • upravuje pocení
  • při bolesti zubů jako kloktadlo

dávkování: jako kloktadlo dle potřeby, vnitřně 10-15 kapek 2-3x denně

  • has a strong antibiotic effect on a wide range of microbes in the treatment of urinary tract, sore throat and angina, digestive system and gynecological inflammations
  • helps before and during menstruation
  • balances hormone levels
  • regulates sweating
  • for toothache as a gargle

dosage: as a gargle as needed, internally 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day

tinktura z plodu černého bezu / Elderberry tincture

  • velmi univerzální posilovač imunity
  • proti bolestem při neuralgiích, například při bolestech trojkanného nervu, páteře, kloubů
  • protizánětlivé účinky
  • působí mírně projímavě
  • mírně snižuje krevní tlak

užívání: vnitřně podle potřeby (např. 30-40 kapek 3x denně)

  • very versatile as the immune booster
  • against pain in neuralgia, for example, in the pain of the trigeminal nerve, spine, and joints
  • anti-inflammatory effects
  • slightly laxative
  • slightly lowers blood pressure

use: internally as you wish (f.e. 30-40 drops 3x a day)

tinktura z vratiče (pozor, TOXICKÁ!) / tansy tincture (beware, TOXIC!)

  • vnější užití na nehojící se rány a proti revmatismu (formou koupelí)
  • vnitřně pouze jako prostředek k potratu – pozor, toxická! (zde je však nutná opatrnost a širší povědomí o problému bylinného potratu)
  • external use for non-healing wounds and against rheumatism (in the form of baths)
  • internally only as a means of abortion – beware, toxic! (caution and wider awareness of the problem of herbal abortion is necessary here)

The Importance of Support: Building Foundations, Creating Community, Sustaining Movements – Anonymous

Hackers attack KKK and briefly bring down main websiteHow do we develop anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist movements that are capable of maintaining and expanding over the long haul? The infrastructures we create in the course of our political work are key to unlocking the answer. If our infrastructures are to succeed and deepen our movements, we need to abandon the pervasive separation between politics and “personal” life and ground our movement activity in everyday practices of mutual aid and support—both in times of happiness and in times of hardship. This article looks at the latter of these: reflecting on how we can develop models for providing each other with compassionate, nurturing support through tragedy, trauma, and hardship.

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Burn Down the Psych Ward – call for an abolitionist approach to psychological emancipation

270 best images about The Insane Asylum on Pinterest ...The American plantation relies on the mental distress of those it oppresses. As revolutionaries, we seek the liberation of people in bondage, both in prisons and psych wards. In order to eliminate patriarchy, capitalism, gender, and anti-blackness, we must address the significant psychological damage these forces inflict.

The trauma caused by social isolation, psychological manipulation and physical oppression is felt by all of those who are locked up, enslaved and otherwise targeted by the barbaric enforcers of white supremacy. The rampant psychological distress we are accustomed to is the effect of living in a depraved world. It is not possible to address “mental illness” without addressing the overwhelmingly reactionary nature of American society.

Psychological Emancipation for Revolutionary Abolition seeks to create ways of dealing with psychological distress which build up the revolutionary relationships that are needed to help people stay free. We must not only be supporting our fellow revolutionaries in their time of psychological need, but developing the patterns and practices of social cohesion that create strong bonds more capable of withstanding state repression, dealing with psychological distress, and undertaking militant action.

The skills, ideas and methods of organization proposed in this call for a revolutionary abolitionist approach to psychological emancipation will beuseful to anyone seeking to overcome the psychological barriers to securing their own liberation, but the ultimate goal of PERA is to destroy locked psychiatric treatment, prisons, and the state itself. This means that to truly succeed PERA requires support from and coordination with a broader abolitionist network, the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement.

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This is Anarcha-Herbalism: Thoughts On Health and Healing For the Revolution

My medicine chest is a council of bioregions, with representatives gathered together as I make my way around the world west of the Rocky Mountains. The Coptis root was picked out of the churned-up scar left by an excavator, at the retreating edge of the Idaho wilderness. The tiny amount of Pipsissewa leaves came from an ancient grove above the Klamath River just feet away from where the District Ranger sat on a stump talking about his plans to cut it all down. I am drying Nettles from the California creek where salmon die in the silt left after a century of industrial logging.

Every jar holds a story (often a ghost story of dying ecosystems and places gone forever). I am honored to have known the plants in their home places and to have studied their uses as medicine. But for people not lucky enough to roam throughout the wilds, purchased herbal preparations such as tinctures may be the link back to this sort of healing.

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Radical Mycology an SLF Primer

Mushrooms tend to get a bad rap amongst many foragers because of a fear poisoning and/or a fear of the unknown. Radical Mycology demystifies mushrooms, explaining how they grow, different types of mushrooms, how to cultivate them, and how to preserve them. The authors also included a lengthy section on identifying common edible wild mushrooms.

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Primitive Toothcare

Primitive Toothcare: a DIY Guide to Uncivilized Oral ...Subtitled “A DIY Guide to Uncivilized Oral Hygiene” this zine is an exploration of dental care without relying on large corporations or even smaller and unnecessary “green” companies. There’s ideas for alternatives to use for toothpicks, general tooth care, herbs for cleaning teeth, etc.

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Home Remedies for Common Maladies

home remedies for common maladies zine coverThis zine provides a basic introduction to herbalism alongside a collection of home remedies for common health problems. The information is organized into broad categories based on body parts (head, abdomen, etc) and then from there conditions and symptoms. It’s easy to use and a good introduction to DIY healthcare. There is also a lengthy suggested resources section that recommends additional sources.

The zine was published by Rosehip Medic Collective, a street medic collective out of Portland, Oregon.

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Edible, Medicinal, & Utilitarian Plants: Vol. 1 zine is a great introduction to identifying, foraging, and using what the authors term “weeds” and “common plants.” The authors wrote it to be an introductory-level guide for anarchists to get more acquainted with the land. It has tips on all sorts of different plants from the well-known dandelion and yarrow to more obscure things like wild carrot. The authors explain how to use parts of easily identifiable trees. For example, you can make a tea out of pine needles that is packed with vitamin C.

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An Herbal Medicine-Making Primer zine is an excellent introduction to making your own herbal medicines with plants that you forage yourself in the wild. It features an essay explaining the importance of making our own medicine and then outlines how to make several different types of herbal medicines. These include infusions, decoctions, salves, syrups, infused oils, tinctures, glycerites, etc.

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An Activist’s Guide to Basic First Aid Cross Health Collective is an affinity group of health care workers who live in Portland, Oregon. We formed after the WTO protests because we saw a need for medical care that is specific to the radical community. We think our needs as radicals are different, and that groups like the Red Cross don’t give us the skills we need to keep ourselves and each other safe in the streets. So we called upon our own medical experience (as nurse practioners, nurses, EMT’s, clinical herbalists, and more), as well as our experience in demos and direct actions, and formed Black Cross. Since then, we’ve done first aid trainings in Portland and around the country, provided medical support at local and national demos, and are conducting trials looking for a way to neutralize pepper spray.

We believe that health care is political. The kind of care we do or don’t receive, where and how we receive that care, who provides that care, who has access to training to provide care, and what kinds of trainings are smiled or frowned upon, all involve inherently political issues.

We believe the system needs to be changed… the health care system right along with all the others.We’ve put this zine together mostly to go along with a first aid training. While doing the trainings we realized there was way more to say about first aid than we would have time to say it in. So we thought a little reading would maybe be helpful to y’all.

Remember the most important words you can ever learn to say are “I don’t know.”

Fight the power, do no harm.

– Black Cross Health Collective

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Activist Trauma Support zine – Issue One

Version 1 of the Activist Trauma Support zine, 36 A5 pages in PDF including Editorial, Avoiding Burnout at Climate Camp 2006, Total Eclipse, International Groups, Out of Action in German for G8, Report from Israeli T-Team, ATS Trauma Briefing, 2 Minute Relaxation, My Experiences Post Stirling, Callout for more articles.

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Mindful occupation rising up without burning out

Mindful Occupation: Part I | Alchemical MusingsWe believe that there is an urgent need to talk publicly about the relationship between social injustice and our mental health. We believe that we need to start redefining what it actually means to be mentally healthy, not just on an individual level, but on collective, communal, and global levels.

We know that many people at Occupy sites around the country are struggling to figure out how to build spaces of support and healing. We also know that police violence and the stresses of street protest can have very real mental, emotional, and energetic effects that are all too often not taken seriously.

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Descending into Madness – An Anarchist-Nihilist Diary of Anti-Psychiatry – Flower Bomb

“Like all governments, presidents, and authority, psychiatry never gave me freedom. Assigned psychiatric labels didn’t help me – they only filled me with an internalized sense of victimhood and inferiority. Medication didn’t ‘cure’ or ‘fix’ me – only damaged me, numbing me to my own senses in order to create an emotional void between me and the fuckery of civilized life. So instead, with nihilist celebration I descend into madness, taking aim at social order and civilization. With armed animalism I realize now that there was  to fix ­ my natural contempt for domestication and social control reminds me that I was never ‘broken’ to begin with.”

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Mutual Aid, Trauma, and Resiliency – The Jane Addams Collective

Mutual Aid, Trauma, and ResiliencyThe writers of this book conceptualize emotional resiliency as something to build up and work on collectively, to take inventory of, to find respite in and something to call on as a set of guiding strengths and principles when responding to trauma. Our conceptions are informed by what we know of trauma, PTSD, PTSC and the characteristics of each, which is related in the following pages. We believe it is useful to ground our collective knowledge of trauma in its own particular conceptual and ideological history; integral to our purpose is an alternative to the widely popularized neoliberal notions of self-care that are as disempowering and isolating to us as they are reinforcing to the hegemonies of capital and state power. We aim to propagate resiliency as a methodology to counter the traumas weaponized by the various oppressive forces that divide and diminish us, thereby building our long-term capacity for rebellion against them.

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